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If you have come to the point where you can kick an end-over-end ball without "toe punching," you are ready to move onto some more advanced techniques. In this section, I am going to teach these topics

Taking Steps
To be a consistent kicker, it is critical to start every kick from the same point. . .

A Good Stance
The stance is a critical component in a good kick. . .

Approaching the Ball
The key to a good approach is translating the proper stance into good body position at the point of impact with the ball. . .

Follow Through
Even though the ball is already gone during this phase of the kick, a missed kick or a good hit will be apparent in the follow through. . .


I really have learned how to improve my kicking form. I like being able to see the video and chat with a professional player. There is so much to learn, and your site helps me get practical information from a pro. Even my kicking coach, Marc Primanti, the Lou Groza Award winner in 1996, thinks it has great information and was really impressed with the content. Thanks for making this a useful site for everyone
-- member

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