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The benefits you will receive along with the savings off of camp fees, kicking products and all the wasted time kicking incorrectly will be more than worth it. Why not learn from those who have succeeded at the highest level year after year?

If you take your kicking and punting seriously, there is no reason why you should not have a FREE or PREMIUM membership with us!

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Baseball was for me, too, a form of spirit-discipline, a way to make myself a better person-although I surely never sought discipline for such a reason. It became my Way, as the tea ceremony or flower arranging or the making of poems were the Ways of others.
-- Sadaharu Oh

Doug and Tommy's Frequently Asked Questions: "I can easily kick 20 and 25 yard field goals consistently. The ball looks to be good from another 20 or so yards back, but as soon as I move back to kick, the ball falls short. Is this a mental problem or should I do drills to increase distance? I think that it is partly mental because the farther I get from the uprights, the less confident I feel. What do you think?" -- Click here to read our answer

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