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April Fools!!

Note: This was posted in April 2003.

Amidst all the war talk lately, I thought I would try and lighten the mood a little...

If you forgot about April Fool's Day, I tried to add a couple of hints in the article.

- The article was from the DI, but it was being hosted on our site. I simply copied the files and structure of the DI site, and replaced their article with mine.
- The top of the page had "Fake" written near the Daily Iowan banner
- Kickers never get into fights, especially with each other...(Update 11/1/09 - Actually a CFL kicker and punter recently got into a fight with each other and they were on the same team, but these cases are rare...)

Thanks to Nate Kaeding and the Daily Iowan (who was an unknowing contributor to my April Fool's prank).

Now I'll have to think up something better for next year...

If you missed it yesterday, here is the link to the article.

Iowa Kickers arrested in bar fight >>>


I started off my minor league season making 45 yarders consistently. After two months with the Iso-band I have gained 10 yards on my kicks. I am now kicking 55 yarders consistently and the height on the Field goals is awe striking. I tell everyone that Tommy and Doug are the reason for my success. You two have really helped me take my game to the next level. I cannot wait to see what a correct off season work out will do for me for next season!
-- Sean Riley

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