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Now you have access to the best kicking and punting workouts around, developed by those who know.

Doug Brien and Tommy Barnhardt have spent years mastering, months documenting, and numerous hours formatting and perfecting these workouts to make them simple to follow and help you become a better kicker and punter.

With a Premium membership, you will receive a monthly calendar, which will instruct you on:

  • the proper amount of kicking and punting to do
  • the specific drills to work on
  • optimal weight training and running programs
  • mental exercises to enhance your ability to focus and increase consistency
  • dietary tips to maximize your performance
  • workouts broken down into separate workouts for high school and college kickers and punters

Take a look at a sample workouts: kicking workout | punting workout

The calendar is a guideline for workouts for these two positions. For those younger than high school or beyond college ball, you can adjust the program slightly to meet your needs

Get started for free with the basics of kicking and punting...OR signup for a PREMIUM membership >>>


It is a great site and a good product (Power Kicker) that was recommended by a friend who punts for U of K. Thank you again!
-- Richie Dunn

Doug and Tommy's Frequently Asked Questions: "I need help with learning how to kick off of the ground. I'm just having a really hard time learning how to get my height and trajectory back from off the ground and my form is now in shambles. Can you please give me some advice?" -- Click here to read our answer

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