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Practice/game tracking system and charting - now you can enter your kicking and punting results into our database, and get a summarized report of your performance. This system will generate statistics and graphs to help you identify your weaknesses, assess how you perform from practice to practice, and determining whether you are getting better over time.

View sample reports from this new system:

Read an article about how this data can be used for evaluation >>> [PDF]

Download a presentation to learn how to use the charting program [PDF]


What a great service!!
-- College Coach

Doug and Tommy's Frequently Asked Questions: "I seem to be perfect up to about 40 yards from the center and from the left hash, but when kicking from the right hash i find myself only a 50% kicker. I was wondering if you could possibly give me and hints or advice?" -- Click here to read our answer

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!! Network - Kickers and Punters Only! Kicking and Punting Database and Social Network