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Kicking and punting require great discipline and mental strength. After you surpass the physical aspects of kicking a football, the only thing that separates you from your competition is mental. Luckily, mental strength can be practiced and learned like any other skill. These books below will give you a good start. Click on the book image to purchase from

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image for details
Sports Psyching Thomas Tutko & Umberto Tosi Best introduction to the mental game
Golf is Not a Perfect Game Bob Rotella Replace "club" with "leg", and this book makes an excellent teaching tool for the mental game of kicking
Zen Mind, Beginners Mind Shunryu Suzuki Very deep reading - must be read several times
The Miracle of Mindfulness Thich Nhat Hahn A simple yet insightful book worth reading
Zen and the Art of Archery Eugene Herrigel Great analogy for kicking. I have read it 5 times.
Zen in the Martial Arts Joe Hyams Not as good as Archery, but worth checking out

Sadaharu Oh - A Zen Way of Baseball Sadaharu Oh & David Falkner A great autobiography by an inspirational man
Thinking Body, Dancing Mind Chungliang Al Huang One of my all-time favorites
Creative Visualization Ronald Shone Pretty good at teaching visualization techniques
The Ultimate Athlete George Leonard Very interesting - philosophical not instructional

You've got nothing to do all week, then on Sunday it ends up being pure chaos for 30 seconds. If you don't look forward to it, then you shouldn't be in the league.
-- Morten Andersen

Doug and Tommy's Frequently Asked Questions: "I want to be a kicker or punter in college, but I don't know what the NCAA rules are. Do you have any information on recruiting, official visits, scholarships, eligibility or contact periods?" -- Click here to read our answer

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