The following videos were gathered from the internet by from various kicking and punting experts, to help answer some of the important questions you might have regarding your kicking and punting problems. For help with long snapping, visit the Special Teams University Youtube channel. If you find other kicking and/or punting videos you think should be included, contact us and include the YouTube link. FIELD GOALS
What are the basics of kicking field goals (FGs)? Travis Dorsch (Feb 2010) How do I kick soccer style field goals? Scott Sisson (May 2013) Where do I place my foot on the ball when kicking a field goal off the ground? Steve Hoffman (Dec 2008) How do I get more height on my field goals (FGs)? Nick Fleming (Aug 2011) How do I improve my accuracy on field goals (FGs)? Nick Fleming (Aug 2011) How long should I take to kick a field goal from the snap? Should I get rid of my jab step of field goals? Steve Hoffman (Dec 2008) How do I increase my height on field goals? Steve Hoffman (Dec 2008) Should I try to get leg lock on field goals? Steve Hoffman (Dec 2008) How do I adjust my field goal kicks for the wind? Rob Bironas (Apr 2009) What size kicking tee should I use for field goals? Nick Fleming (Aug 2014) Brent Grablachoff (Jun 2011) What type of kicking shoe should I get? John Matich (May 2010) What are some good kicking drills? Bill Renner Kicking Drills (Jan 2010) KICKOFFS
What are the basics of kicking off (kickoffs)? Tony Yelk (Aug 2011) Steve Hoffman (Dec 2008) How do I kick a traditional onside kick? Scott Sisson (May 2013) How do I kick a pop-up onside kick? Billy Cundiff (Jul 2008) Adam Lenon (Mar 2014) Post by Adam Lenon. How should I be landing after my kickoff? Scott Sisson (May 2013) PUNTING
What are the basics of punting a football? Travis Dorsch (Feb 2010) What is the proper technique for dropping the ball when punting? Steve Hoffman (Dec 2008) Where should I place my hands on the ball when punting? Steve Hoffman (Dec 2008) What is the proper technique for standing and waiting for the punt snap? Ray Guy (Dec 2008) What is the proper distance and alignment for punting? Ray Guy (Jan 2010) How do I punt into the wind? Scott Sisson (May 2013) What is the proper technique for catching punt snaps? Ray Guy (Jan 2010) How do I punt a spiral? Bill Renner (Jan 2010) Steve Hoffman (Dec 2008)
How do I punt more consistently? Bill Renner (Feb 2010) How do I punt end over end instead of spirals (australian drop punt)? Joe Gardener (Mar 2013) What are some good punting drills? Gary Zauner (Sep 2008) Jamie Kohl (Mar 2011)
Bill Renner (Feb 2010)
Bill Renner (Feb 2010)
Bill Renner (Feb 2010)
What are some good leg strengthening exercises? Austin Signor and Filip Filipovic (Dec 2012) John Matich (Mar 2011) Brent Grablachoff (Feb 2009) What are some core building exercises? John Matich (Mar 2011) Neil Rackers (Sep 2007) What are some good exercises for stretching and increasing flexibility? John Matich (Mar 2011) John Matich (May 2011) What are some good warm-up exercises for kickers, punters and snappers? Chris Husby (Mar 2014) How do I make improvements to my kicking and punting? Bill Renner (Feb 2010)