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You must upgrade to a Premium membership.

Included with the Premium Memberships is a monthly punting and kicking video lesson for viewing. The best thing is that you can watch them over and over again. These lessons were taped by our virtual coaches to physically show you the tips, techniques and exercises that they mention and describe in their workouts. With a membership, you will receive access to all kicking and punting clips. Each clip is about three minutes in length.

View a sample clip to see for yourself. A picture speaks a thousand words, and we feel these lessons will greatly enhance the workouts we have provided for you.

Some topics covered in these videos...

  • Coffin corner punting

  • Onsides kick (the pop up)

  • Kicking into the wind

  • Proper Drop technique

  • Plant foot alignment

  • and many others...

Feel free to email us with videos and lessons you would like to see in our monthly lessons.


I love the website, it's like a kicking fraternity!
-- Member

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