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| Never let a missed kick interfere with your next one. Have you ever taken statistics? The probability of getting heads when you flip a coin never changes - even if you hit heads ten times in a row. This means that each flip of the coin is independent. It's the same with kicking. Even if you miss three kicks in a row, those three kicks have nothing to do with the next one. Those three kicks will only affect your next one if you allow it to | | | -- Doug Brien | |
Doug and Tommy's Frequently Asked Questions: "Does the size of a kicker's foot affect his kicking ability (soccer style)? In other words is there an optimal foot size for kicking a football relative to the size of the football? Do kickers with smaller feet have an advantage, or is it the other way around? Am I at a disadvantage with an 11 1/2 foot or not? Can I overcome this, if so, how? Should I switch to toeing the ball?" -- Click here to read our answer |