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Username: Password: Forgot password?    Not a Member? Sign up for a FREE or PREMIUM Membership Rating System has attempted to compile a rating system for high school players. The ratings are based upon stats entered by each player in We try to review the top performers to validate that their stats are somewhat realistic. However, we recommend that any player stats listed be questioned and reviewed by an independent source (official conference and state published stats).


Kickers are evaluated on three criteria: PATs, FGs and kickoffs

PATs: PAT% (PATs made/PATs attempted) is multiplied by 100, to get a score between 0 and 100.

FGs: FG % (FGs made/FGs attempted) is multiplied by 100, to get a score between 0 and 100. In addition, 3 points are given for each FG made.

Kickoffs (KOs): Earn 1 point for every 5 touchbacks. In addition, the number of touchbacks are divided by the number of PATs attempted, to normalize the touchbacks against players with teams that score lots of points. The score is only 25% of the FG and PAT scores.

Here is the actual formala:

Kicking Score =
(FGs Made/FGs Attempted)*100
(PATs Made/PATs Attempted)*100
(Touchbacks/PATs Attempted)*25
(Longest FG/50-yard FG)*100
(FGs Made)*3


Punters are evaluated on five criteria: Punting Avg, Net Average, Longest Punt, Fair Catches, Number of Punts Inside the 20

All five of these criteria are simply added together to determine the Punting Score.

Here is the actual formala:

Punting Score = Punting Average + Net Average + Punts Inside the 20 + Longest Punt + Fair Catches

This is the first year kicker from MS. Thanks to your site, I have made the Itawamba Community College football team as a kicker and punter. It has been a long journey but your kicking instructions have helped me alot. With the help of your site, My FG range has gone from 35 yards to 45+ yards!!!!! I really appreciate you helping all us kickers with your site.
-- J. McCarver

Doug and Tommy's Frequently Asked Questions: "I am in competition with another kicker for the varsity slot next year, and he can kick about 4 yards further than I. What would you recommend doing to increase yardage on my kicks?" -- Click here to read our answer

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