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Let manage your camp signups!

Tired of dealing with payments, mailed in registration forms, waiting for your webmaster to add your new camp dates, and all the other administrative tasks associated with running a camp? has launched a new service that will take most of the headache away from those tasks, and leave you freed up to run the camp, which is why you do it in the first place. Our service costs 10% of the camp price (actually 7% since we take care of the credit card charges), and can complement or replace your existing signup system on your website (if you already have one). If you are not handling signups online right now, then you can start immediately!

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When I first heard about the " Network", I thought it was great. However, after thinking about it more, I was concerned. I wondered why Doug & Tommy would share so many tricks of the trade with kids who are going to be trying to steal our jobs some day!
-- Mike Vanderjagt

Doug and Tommy's Frequently Asked Questions: "I can easily kick 20 and 25 yard field goals consistently. The ball looks to be good from another 20 or so yards back, but as soon as I move back to kick, the ball falls short. Is this a mental problem or should I do drills to increase distance? I think that it is partly mental because the farther I get from the uprights, the less confident I feel. What do you think?" -- Click here to read our answer

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!! Network - Kickers and Punters Only! Kicking and Punting Database and Social Network